Georgia Therapeutic services
Substance Abuse
Georgia Therapeutic Services and…Substance Abuse
Our office is approved by the State of Georgia DUI Intervention Program to provide substance abuse clinical evaluations and assesments for individuals charged with DUI’s and possession of illicit substances while operating a vehicle in the State of Georgia. Our office also provides assessments and Level I treatment classes for probationers who are court ordered for illicit substance use and/or possession of illicit substances. Although our services are completely confidential, we encourage limited family participation as a way of treating the whole person.
Attorneys: Strengthen your cases and at the same time assist your clients by having your client obtain a Substance Abuse Clinical Assessment for their substance use and, if necessary seek help by addressing their substance use and participate in our classes prior to court dates. This will apply direct implications and afford the case to be better adjudicated. Georgia Therapeutic Services has been working with attorneys for the past 10 years with much success in assisting legal outcomes to cases through validated assessments and if needed, participation in our classes which strengthens and improves the likely-hood of winning the case and/or fundamentally improving the quality of life for our clients.
Clinical Assessments for DUI Offenders
Drug Possession Charges
Group and Individual Classes
Clinical Assessments
Group and Individual Counseling
Clinical Assessments
Group and Individual Classes